Talent Acquisition

Full Cycle Recruiting Playbook
There’s no silver bullet in Talent Acquisition. It requires a multifaceted, proactive marketing strategy to sell your opportunities and recruit the best talent available.
Just as your sales and marketing teams aggressively pursue their best prospects with a seriously considered, calibrated approach, Talent Acquisition requires a well-thought out plan.
Doubling Partners will ensure that your organization has the right people, with the right skills, in the right jobs.
How to get there?

Job Descriptions:
Job Descriptions need to be more than just a laundry list of requirements and some general comments about the work. Let us show you how to use them as an employer branding tool that creates excitement around your company and that attracts the best talent for your company’s needs.

Job Postings:
Posting, posting, posting…it’s not the same as location, location, location in real estate. Certainly, publishing your open positions is an integral part of your talent acquisition plan, but what, where and how you post those openings will also enhance your diversified recruitment efforts.
We’ll work with you to identify the most effective ways to market those opportunities.

Sourcing is the sales arm to your job posting marketing efforts in a TA strategy. Targeted, incisive, and creative communication to the right people will yield prospects from a much larger pool of very talented passive but potentially receptive candidates. We’ll help you mine those veins of gold that lie all around you.

Recruiting encompasses the full cycle of attracting, engaging, and hiring your next employees. And the full cycle means continuous, meaningful, and prompt communication at every stage of the game. There are no guarantees throughout the process, but communication is central to successful outcomes. Our experience creating and managing the candidate relationship will put you in the best position to bring your top talent on board.
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